Cougar phone sex sluts are popular on and off the phone. My teen daughter is moonlighting at the local strip club. I once worked there when I was far younger. Now, I am a house mother part time to the girls. That means I coach them on outfits, songs to dance to, how to tease and bilk the customers and dance routines. I got my daughter the job even though she is not old enough to work in a strip club. I was walking around arranging lap dances and VIP rooms for the girls when one gentleman offered me $1,000 to dance. I think he thought I would not be tempted that easily. He was a college boy more interested in a MILF than a coed. Trust fund baby. He made sure I saw his American Express gold card and the keys to his Ferrari. Money doesn’t appeal to a mature woman like it does a young woman. What a sexy mature woman wants is a hard cock that works. We have our own money. I wondered to myself if he had a big dick or if he was over compensating with all the fancy, expensive gadgets. I guess he realized what I was thinking. He grabbed my hand and pulled it towards his crotch. I got to feel the bulge which assured me he did not have a small cock. I gave him his striptease. Afterwards, we went to the VIP room and I showed him more pole moves. I deep throated his cock. I titty fucked him. I let him fuck my ass. Finally, he dumped his seed in my pussy. My daughter came into the VIP room to see if we wanted some champagne. She joked that I had a pussy full of champagne already. My young fan told her to drink up as he laid more money on the table. It was a hot night at the club.