I’m temporary off the wagon, shit got crazy lately and so did my fucking. I’m already a wild bad bitch whore, getting crazy with any young throbbing cock I can find, I’ll finish every hot dude in a dorm room floor.
My thick ass, bubble butt, thick thighs and fat titty’s are always an attention grabber at these college parties. I go feral, animalistic on any junk. Shove that entire package of meat with your fat dingleberries in my mouth, fill my cheek with your growing girth, this bitch can’t eat enough.
I wanna sit my thick ass down on that spit filled cock, spin circles around you, grind and rub my beaver cleaver, swollen thick pussy lips on your skin, let me pinch it myself for that extra drooly, baby batter pussy orgasm. Fill my ass with your fingers while I mount you, two at a time. I’m going to leave you completely covered, creampie foamy, ooozing pussy. I wanna watch you shoot off a clusterfuck of cum on my tits, sweet sounds of juices rubbed into my tits and skin.