A friend of mine came to pick me up at the office. We had plans to get lunch and catch up, but when he arrived he had another guy friend with him. The two of them standing in my office was like way too much hotness so I felt the need to join. I asked the guys to bring the big planter I just bought from my car into my office, a big tree starting to grow so pretty heavy. Anyway, while they stepped out I stripped down to nothing and perched myself on my desk and took a provocative pose. As the guys hauled in the plant and set it on my floor, both of them let go of the plant to stare at me. “Well, boys you want to stare or fuck?” I said, and there was about 1.2 seconds of thought before they were both naked and cocks hard. I took them into the back part of my office that has basically a place to sleep and eat, I work a lot of hours so it’s convenient. I take a seat on the bed and ask them both to stand in front of me for inspection. With both cocks in my hand, I look up at them with a dirty smile. “You two are going to fuck each other while I watch,” I said and they looked at one another and shrugged with an alright gesture.
I don’t think either was a bottom or a top, they sucked each other off and they decided between themselves who was going to get fucked. The new stranger friend decided he was going to do the fuck, which left my friend to fuck me. We tried every position known to man and there was cum all over the place! Toe curling orgasms from fantasy bisexual fun and two very hot men fucking me in the mix.