I love being a fantasy mom for my angel’s friends. My little step grand angels are with me now indefinitely and they went to school this week. A few are too young for school yet and are home with me in the daytime, but most of them started on Monday going to school. Each one of my little angels has already made a new best friend during their first week of school. I told them they needed to recruit some young friends for our little jailbait brothel. Private school for 8 angels is way too expensive for my salary. I have been spoiled the past 20 years living in Southern California in this house, in this community. I want to stay here. My husband left me the house and a large some of money, but I have 6 of my own and now another 7 to feed, clothe, school and house. That takes a lot of money. No faster way to make money then pimping out young flesh. My daughters are all teens now. So are my sons. The demand for hot teen sluts is still high, but they cannot demand as much money as they once could. They are far from virgins now. My step grand angels are not virgins either, but they are still super young and super tight. Nothing brings me more money than auctioning off a young girl’s virginity, however. That is why I had the grand sluts recruit some new talent for me. My oldest grand girl brought me Taylor. A cute girl from the projects. She is on scholarship to this private elite school. Cute blonde girl. Lots of smarts and talents, but I intended to exploit the talents she does not realize she has yet. I auctioned off her virginity. Primo price too. She has her first date tonight. Her mom thinks she is spending a few days with us, which she is, but not the way she thinks. Mom is an alcoholic and in detox for a few days. Taylor has all sorts of issues, which means I can easily manipulate her. I will let her have a good chunk of the money. That will buy her silence. I cannot wait to tell you all about her first time. Only on no taboo phone sex sites, can I tell you such criminal tales.