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Phone sex site I went to the massage parlor today and got an ass and pussy massage.. But, that wasn’t enough for this hot MILF! After being caressed from head to toe completely naked there was no way in hell I was walking out of that place without getting the inside of my pussy iced. It was a tall black man with his beard all lined up.. He was so muscular and his skin was glowing! I knew he had to have been packing a nice rod down there.

When he was massaging my ankles I slid the gown off of me and arched my ass up in the air. I looked back at him and said if you fuck me I will leave you a nice tip.. I noticed the flashy ring on his ring finger which turned me on even more. I love a married man. It lets me know someone out there is totally obsessed.. Which makes him even more worthy. I reached between my legs and started massaging my pussy! I know he could see how wet I was..

He dropped his pants and slid a monstrous piece of meat out of his trousers.. He slapped the crack of my ass with his big black dick and popped it right into my wet pussy! The hair on my body stood up as I slowly slid my pink puss back onto his thick meat. I began yanking my long blonde hair while he made love to my pussy. He gave me a passionate fuck! I orgasmed all over his dick..

He refused to cum inside of me so I told him to Jack off for me, he jerked his glossy dick over my face and cumshot straight into my mouth. Mm, It was so yummy! A Fantasy mom deserves a treat of her own every once in a while. I’m down for some Taboo phone sex..

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