Fertile Ageplay girls Easter

ageplay girls

My ageplay girls had a wonderful cream-filled Easter week with Nana! You know that I have a fertile daughter who keeps popping me put brats like she’s a bunny in heat. And what am I supposed to do with all these sweet ones on Easter? A pageant why of course, a lottery to see if my oldest and coming into heat granddaughter is due for her first cum load since she started her period last month. And boy did this nana have fun with her first menstrual cycle, but that is a story for next week. Just know I got my redwings a long time ago! 

The weekend started out great all of my girls were in their pastel ruffle dresses and tights. My sons in those cute little pants and suspenders look like we just walked out of an Instagram shoot! I put some plastic eggs out around the yard with money and some names on paper from men who wanted to put in on my baby girl’s womb lottery! But wouldn’t you know it my oldest son had put his name in every egg and told me to check my bank account! I was so surprised! He has this new “job” that is bringing in the dough, and guess what he saved up for? His little niece’s first fertile fucking! Oh, how could I deny my first incest love? Yes, I will let my son breed his Niece for easter! Your family phone sex whore will keep you all updated!

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