My phone sex site keeps me busy. Lots of men love fantasizing about little ones. I never discourage that, ever. I have more than just fantasies, however. Thanks to my late husband, I am a P woman. I love little pussy. Maybe not as much as you and my late husband, but I do enjoy a young bald cunt. Nothing sweeter. I was babysitting one of my youngest step grand angels last night. I made the best of it too. After I gave her a bath, I put her on my face. She was clean and naked. Her bald little pussy smelled wonderful. She has a little clam. That is my term for those super young pussies that just have a slit. No inner lips yet. Just a swollen little mound. Ticklish too. I licked her until she had a pissing orgasm on my face. If my husband was still alive, I would have primed his cock and guided it into her tiny little bald slit. I would have licked up the cherry piss juice too because I have grown very fond of that flavor. I enjoy little ones without my husband, but it is always more fun to have a man like you to enjoy sweet holes together.