Sissy phone sex with Grandma is for “little” boys

Sissy phone sex with Grandma Carmen is what a couple of my baby boys need! I have two grandsons that are coming up short in the penis department. And you know what I’m completely okay with that it gives me an opportunity to work them over and a different way. I don’t know if they’ll ever produce enough sperm to impregnate anyone but that isn’t why I love them so much. I have plenty of men willing to breed my girls.

Sissy Phone sex Grandma Trains

Just so you know, I’ve always had a thing for boys and men with a little less “package”. It gives me an opportunity to dominate them and take out all of my aggressions and transform them into moneymakers. There is a huge market for little sissy boys for some of these older gay gentlemen. Then who’s just want to use a little fem boy. I always make sure to tell them they don’t have to be easy with my babies but if they want that sensual experience of Grandma’s training them I’m your sissy mommy whore.

Sissy phone sex

Caught Jacking a little dick, and need help?

This is why it’s so important when my youngest was Caught jacking. Now I knew he wasn’t growing as fast as you should but seeing his dick as a teen I knew that he would never be able to be in a male female relationship. What he needs That’s why my big old bears turn him out. I know a big rough man who loves to handle sweet tiny teen boy asses and dicks. He would think that just let my little dick grandsons fuck the smallest things around. Are you saying what harm it would do? Nothing at all but how am I going to make money off of them? I said these men who come and they want to put their big dicks in a boy butt and have a pretty little sissy bitch running around. I give them what the masses want.

Dirty Phone Sex Carmen knows a thing or two  about training Small dick men and lots of nasty kinky tattoo ways!


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