Last week I got into one of these Rideshare apps. I won’t name the one because I don’t want to get him in trouble. Anyway we will call the guy Todd, Todd picked me up at my house, and he was supposed to be taking me to work, but he made a detour. I wasn’t really paying attention I was looking at my phone, so my head was down the whole time. Todd was making different turns that he wasn’t supposed to be going, but I wasn’t paying attention like I said, so I had no idea. I raised my head up after it seemed like the ride was just a little bit too long. Todd was looking straight ahead doing his thing, so I asked him, where are you going? My job is not this way? Todd ignored me; he didn’t say a word, so I asked him again in a more demanding manner where are you going, my job is not this way, and I’m going to be late. Todd looked through the rearview mirror and responded to me, telling me to shut up. I didn’t pay attention when I got in the car, but he had put the safety locks on, so when I pulled the latch, the door would not open. Todd got angry with me; he told me not to touch his fucking door. I got worried I was wondering what was going to happen at this point. All of a sudden, Todd drove into this fence that had a bunch of warehouses, and another guy opens the warehouse, and Todd drove in. Todd got out of the car and opened the back door, and I tried to fight. Todd took my arms and held them with one hand and forced me onto a mattress that was in the warehouse. All of a sudden, Five Guys appeared out of nowhere, all of them naked holding their big hard dicks. Todd ripped my dress off of me, and then he went for my panties ripping them off. He threw me onto the mattress and started screaming at me that I was a fucking slut, and he was going to prove it. The rest of the guys watched as Todd took out his massive cock he covered my mouth and started fucking me. Todd’s big fat dick was going in and out of my pussy as I tried to scream. Todd told me that I was going to suck cock and get fucked all day long, and if I didn’t comply, it wasn’t going to be good for me. I’m a survivor, so I decided to do exactly what they said in hopes that I would survive. I was gangbanged; my ass was stuffed with cock my pussy and my mouth. I was getting fucked by all of those guys over and over again, and I didn’t know when it would stop. It was so intense everything that happened, and I thought I had to tell somebody. I would love to tell you everything that happened because it was so good that I decided not to call any authorities; instead, I’m calling that Rideshare app again.