I was walking in the woods one day when I happened upon a cabin. I saw some names; it was a lot, like seven. There was Sleeper there was Thumper along with five more strange names. I just had to walk in. I felt like my whole body was tired; I was exhausted. I had to get me some rest because I was running from an evil bitch who was trying to gun me down. The door was open to this strange house, so I walked in; there was nobody there just a bunch of little beds. I found the bed that felt the most comfortable to me, and I got in and fell asleep. Later on some hours later I got woken up by this really short guy. The guy’s cock was so rock hard; it hit me in the head. He said what are you doing in my bed; I’m tired lady. I said I was sorry for being in your bed, but I really needed rest and I will do anything to thank you as I looked at him and smiled. This little guy’s cock God super fucking hard before I notice all the other guys around he was taking his cock out. Oh my God, my pussy got soaking wet because this little guy pulled out about eight and a half inches of hard, stiff long thick dick. He told me that he hadn’t had his cock sucked in such a long time my mouth started to water. I began to slobber on his erect cock meat; it was delicious. Before I knew it, I could feel hands pulling at my panties. All of a sudden, there was a warm wet feeling and my cunt a tongue slithering around my clit and into my pussy hole. I loved it, and it felt so amazing. Guys were coming from everywhere sucking kissing poking at my holes. I begged one of the guys to rip my panties off and stuff his huge cock inside of me he started to fuck me. My pussy was filled up with nine-inch and veiny bone hard cock then one of the other little men came for my asshole he started sucking my asshole abusively but with so much pleasure involved. I had cocks in my hand and a cock in my mouth and cocks in my ass and pussy it was so wonderful and memorable. Do you want to know all the details?