If you like being told what to do, then it’s a safe bet that guided masterbation phone sex is for you. It’s perfect for me because I am the kind of woman who can get a man to do anything I want just by saying the word. I’ve always had that ability and when I started doing phone sex, I found out that I could even get men to do what I wanted over the phone. Power makes my pussy wet and it satisfies me in ways that you never could.
See, some men just need to be told how to stroke their cocks because they just aren’t good at it. You probably jerk off rather quickly with the end in mind, but you never pay much attention to the process of masturbating and how good it can feel. I am going to teach you not only that with guided masturbation, but with your newfound stamina, you’ll be much more likely to actually please a woman. I know that’s a new thing to you since it’s most likely never happened before.
But I am pretty certain you’ll be thanking me for the rest of your life every time you do anything sexual.