College girl phone sex: Frat Boy Frenzy

You’re in for a real treat, a story so goddamn erotic, your balls will be left aching for release. And I, your sultry college vixen, will make sure of it.

Imagine two hunky frat guys, ripped and ready for action. They spot me, their busty sister from another mister, by the campus lake. I give them a cheeky wink, and the game’s on.

I invite them back to my dorm, and the trio of us fumble our way inside. Clothes are shredded, leaving me naked and wet, while the guys strip down to their boxer briefs, their bulges obvious. I’m on my knees, mouths watering, and I take them both in my hands.

Their cocks are hard as steel, and I’m desperate to taste them. One in my mouth, the other in my hand, I work my magic. Moans and groans fill the room, and the guys are eating me up with their eyes.

I stand up, my hands guiding their faces between my legs. They go to town, licking and sucking my clit, sending shivers down my spine. I’m squealing with pleasure, my hands pulling their hair, urging them deeper into my forbidden Valley.

But I want more, so much more. I order the hungry lads to fuck me, right there on the dorm room floor. They oblige, taking turns to ram their big cocks into my sopping pussy. The room’s spinning with each powerful thrust, my screams echoing off the walls.

One guy pounds my pussy, while the other teases my ass. I’m squirming, sweating, my curves trembling with each logical bombshell they unleash. They treat me like the filthy college slut I am, and I love every minute of it.

The pace quickens, their movements desperate and animalistic. I’m cumming endlessly, my juices dripping onto the floor, mixing with the guys’ sweating bodies. And then, with a final roar, they both explode, painting my inner walls with their hot cum.

It’s a sticky, sordid mess, but damn, it feels good. Real good. Now, are you ready for some phone sex karaoke, big boy? ‘Cause these frat guys sure as hell are! Let’s get down and dirty, make those sheets sweat.

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