Daddy phone sex with Journey

Daddy phone sex

I’m a single mother of three, so every now and then it would be nice to get some daddy phone sex. I’m a bad girl a lot of the time and I need to be punished. Only daddy knows how to punish me in the best way possible. Oh daddy, I need you and I crave you.

                Throw me down on the bed in any position you want me in. Pounce on me and take advantage of me like the slut whore I am. Let me be your dirty nasty bitch as I choke down your monster cock. I’ll call you daddy, screaming it as you fuck my tiny little cunny and pull my hair.

                Daddy, you give me so much security and I feel so safe with you. I know you would never hurt me, not in a bad way. I love incest sex and staying close to family. I’ll take extremely good care of you. I’m ready to get on top of you again and ride your cock.

                I’ll crawl over to you on my hands and knees like a good little pet. Lick the dick, then go on top and slide down on your cock. I grind on you up and down as you reach up and choke me. The harder you squeeze and the faster I grind, the more I can feel myself climax. I feel you shoot a load inside me at the same time that I let it all cum out.

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