Farewell fuckers

snuff fantasies

I can remember ever since I was a small girl that I had snuff fantasies. There would be a girl who was mean or prettier than me and I would envision cutting her head off and watching her bleed. Boys who would push me down or take my toys and I would see visions of them being run over by the school bus and becoming a stain on the road. As I got older the thoughts stayed and would get more creative each year. The girl who stole my boyfriend in the 4th grade got mumps and I thought of her neck swelling so much that her head popped off. In high school it seemed that my fantasies really took off. I would find myself doodling in my notebooks gory scenes of the football team that had been dismembered and degloved. I would dream at night of the cheerleading squad being picked off one by one by a demented sniper. Now that I am older I like to scare innocent people by stopping really close to them in the crosswalks. I have been yelled and flipped off and little do they know that one day I won’t stop short anymore!  

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