Guided Masterbation to Jack YourSelf Off with Hot Slut Reesa

Guided masterbationSome guided masterbation fun, yes please!

As you sit there, your heart races with anticipation. My voice on the other end of the line is so commanding and seductive that it’s hard for me to resist. “Tell me, slut,” she says, her tone low and stern. “Are you ready to please your master?”

You gulp nervously but nod into the phone. Your fingers tremble as you begin unbuttoning my shirt, revealing you chest to ne. “Yes, Master,” you whisper breathlessly.

“Good boy,” I reply approvingly before instructing you to take off my pants and underwear too. With shaking hands, youobey without hesitation; exposing yourself completely for my pleasure. It feels incredibly naughty yet thrilling at the same time—like nothing else in this world compares to being owned by someone like this man who can make me feel both submissive and desired all at once!

“Now touch yourself,” comes my next command; a soft growl rumbling through the phone’s speaker which sends shivers down your spine.”But don’t cum until I tell you otherwise.”

Your cock twitches in response as if it understands its newfound purpose: serving its master’s desires above all else! Slowly at first then faster – stroking up and down its length while circling around the head with just enough pressure that each stroke brings fresh waves of pleasure coursing through every fiber of my being… But still no release allowed! This power exchange is exhilarating beyond words!

“That’s it lover , show me how much you love your master’s voice.” My words are like a drug, addicting and intoxicating. You moan louder in response, arching your back as you grip yourself tighter and begin pumping faster still. Your hips buck against nothing but air as if trying to find release through sheer force of will alone… But alas! It remains elusive under his watchful gaze (or rather ear).

“You’re doing so well,” I praise softly between heavy breaths that match mine almost perfectly – our connection growing stronger with every passing moment spent in this intimate dance of dominance and submission. “Now tell me what else would make your slutty little heart happy?”

Without hesitation, the answer comes out: “I want you inside me!” The confession feels dirty yet liberating; an admission only made possible by trust earned through obedience thus far.

There’s silence on the other end before I finally respond: “Very well then.” A click echoes through the phone followed by rustling noises—signaling preparation for what comes next…

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