Mommy Phone Sex Sluts Love P Daddies Like You

mommy phone sexMommy phone sex is something I am good at as a dirty P mommy. When I was younger, hooking on the streets to survive, I never thought I would like little boys and girls. My client base was all older men who wanted to fuck a jailbait girl. I had daddy issues. Never knew my sperm donor. My mom was a slut. She bounced from one pervert to another. She dated guys more interested in me than her. I ran away. I figured at least on my own, I could control who fucked me. I did not understand that kind of behavior from a mother, but then I got married to an older guy just like all the men my mother dated. There was a difference though. I knew what my husband wanted. He was not more interested in our daughters than me. He wanted both and he got both. In the process, I got three sons who are my mother fuckers. Plus, I am a fantasy mom for all their friends too. I was not turning a blind eye to my man wanting to fuck our daughters like my mother. I was grooming them for daddy’s special love. I made them the little whores for daddy that they are now even though they are grown up now. Well, I still have one daughter in her teens at home still. She misses daddy, like her two older siblings. My strapon alone is not enough to take away the sting of missing daddy. But I have some hung older male friends from my porn days who love playing daddy. They come over periodically and fuck my girls. Last night a surrogate daddy came over to play house. He is a family phone sex fan like my callers. My youngest daughter calls him daddy number 2. He fucked my daughter, me and a couple of my step grand girls. Left us full of cum and happy. I miss my husband as do my girls, but luckily there are plenty of pervert daddies around to fill the void like you!

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