Nasty phone sex slut Tasha

nasty phone sex

I have a very kinky friend of mine watching my page and hoping that I’ll talk about our nasty phone sex calls. He’s the only man that can make my pussy drip at just the sound of his voice! He’s old enough to be my grandpa but I’ve been fucking him since I was a young slut and I’m hooked on his big, thick cock. He was my soccer coach and I always made up reasons that I had to stay late after practice to spend time with him. I remember how he would drool over me in my tiny shorts and the way I would bend over in front of him just to tease his cock. I knew that I was making that old man’s dick throb but I didn’t care. I loved the attention. When my parents thought that I was at “private lessons” I was really straddling him and sliding my tight, wet cunt up and down his big dick! He would suck my nipples and play with my perky titties while I bounced on his cock and made him cum for me. He would drop me off at my house after our “lessons” with my little cunt leaking his cream all into my panties. He would even chat with my parents while my pussy juice was still on his cock and they never knew. They had no idea that the whole time they were paying him for my “lessons” they were really paying him to pound their little girl’s tight, young cunt and turn her into his little cum dumpster slut! I still think about him every time I’m getting my dirty fuck hole drilled by an older man and my whore cunt still craves his fat cock! 

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