Sensual Fantasies for Little Brats

sensual fantasiesWhat are your sensual fantasies? I have many. I have some not so sensual either. I am in my early forties. I thought my days of diapering little boys and girls, fixing school lunches and tutoring basic studies were behind me. I have 6 offspring, but only three are still in school. They are high schoolers and self-sufficient for the most part. My other three are in college. But now I have my step grand brats I am raising. I am wiping assess and noses again. In the beginning, I did not mind. It has been almost a year though now, and I am tired. I have 6 extra ones in the house. They did not come to me as disciplined as my offspring. My husband and I trained our little ones to be good little sex slaves for mommy and daddy. I must train all 6 of my grand brats to be good little whores too. It is hard to train 6 little unruly brats on my own, so I have a male friend who is helping me. Only on XXX sites could I talk to you about their special training! I have 3 young girls in the house. Now, only one was virgin when they arrived in my care. My stepdaughter traded their fuck holes, even the boys, for smack. She should have taught them to be good money-making whores, but the drugs gave her tunnel vision. She could only think about her next fix. I am thinking about the long run. How do I keep money in the bank? How do I clothe and feed twelve little people? How do I pay for their college? I want them all to have a better life than I did. Money changes everything. When I was a runaway living on the streets, I had nothing. I married a perverted rich old man who gave me the lifestyle I always wanted if I gave him little girls to play with. Now, I know sex sells. I know how to make money off little girls and boys. I just had to find a partner to help me train little pussies and ass for action. He is a former porn star I worked with in the 90s. Big cock. Loves little pussies and even little assholes. He is my taboo phone sex partner. Do you want to help me train these six unruly brats to be good sex slaves too?


    • Edwin on May 29, 2022 at 7:23 pm
    • Reply

    I would personally train all of those brats.

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