Sensual fantasies with me will break down your walls

Sensual fantasies

As a Sensual fantasies master, I know how to break down your walls! I’m not afraid to embrace my sexual desires, and I want to help you do the same. I know how pent up you are, how you’re dying to cum. How long has it been baby? Weeks? That is terrible! I really hate that for you and want to do everything in my power to make you have to most intense orgasm as possible.

My girlfriends and I really enjoy guys like you. You’re the kind of guy who gets off on deep, passionate kissing. The kind of loving that surrounds your whole body with warmth and makes you feel alive. You appreciate the art of foreplay, the slow build-up of tension that makes the eventual release all the more intense. 

I love to take my time, exploring every inch of your body with my lips and tongue. I’ll start with your neck, nibbling and licking my way up to your ear, whispering dirty thoughts into your ear as I go. My Dirty phone talk will make your beautiful cock seep with precum. I love to talk dirty, to tell you exactly what I’m doing to myself as I flick my clit. I’ll describe in detail how I’m rubbing my pussy, how I’m circling my clit, how I’m sliding my fingers inside myself. And I’ll tell you how good it feels, how wet I’m getting.

Then, I get to your chest, teasing your nipples with my tongue until they’re hard. And then I’ll make my way down to your hips, kissing and licking my way to your thighs. By this point, you’ll be desperate for me to touch you, but I’ll make you wait. I’ll tease you, running my fingers along the inside of your thighs, just barely missing your cock. And then, when I can tell you’re about to lose control, I’ll finally wrap my hand around your shaft and start to stroke you slowly.

I take my time because I  want to connect with you on an emotional level. I want to know what makes you tick, what turns you on, what gets you off. I want to hear your fantasies, your desires, your deepest, darkest secrets. And I want to share mine with you too. I believe that sex is a beautiful, natural thing, and that there’s nothing wrong with enjoying it to the fullest. It is what you deserve my love.

So if you’re ready to embrace your sexual desires and experience a level of pleasure you’ve never known before, then give me a call. I’ll serve you the best Sensual phone sex you’ve ever had. I’ll make you feel good, really good. And in return, I’ll ask for one thing: that you do the same for me.

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