Sissy phone sex with Cleona

Fantasy mom

Hey faggot! Yea you.. You know exactly who you are! You worship the ground I walk on.. You would do anything for a taste of my pink puffer… I know you’ve been hawking my profile looking for the next photo to screenshot so you can tug your cock while you picture me getting fucked by a big black dick.. Well, those screenshots are going to cost you.. You don’t think I know what you’ve been up to..

You think telling me I am your Fantasy mom and slurping on that rubber dick
is enough for me during our sessions.. Well news flash, You owe me.. I sent you two hot photos the other night and made you type to me while you were on your knees pleading and whimpering about how bad you would love to worship me.. I know you have been secretly getting off to the photos I post on here for all the other guys to see..

I always send you my special pictures that nobody has ever seen.. Don’t think I forgot.. I managed to get my pussy pounded last night and took a nice selfie of my face including my beautiful pussy leaking cum.. This one is certainly for your eyes only! I can’t wait to make you beg and do all kinds of dirty, naughty things for me.. Just so you can get your hands on this super hot creamy pic. Talk soon Loser! Peasant, you better be behaving yourself for your goddess! Don’t get Caught jacking to my hot pictures.. 

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