Every single hardcore Spider-Man fan out there has three specific sensual fantasies and their names are Gwen, Mary Jane and my favorite, the Black Cat! All three of Peter Parker’s most memorable women are hot as hell and make every fuck craving fanboy cream their comic loving jeans. When we get together, My friends and I like to test that cum filled comicbook theory!
We have so much fun on my webcam dressed up as the wall crawler’s wild and amazing women, it doesn’t matter to us how many people are watching. We play around, giggle and pose and pretend to fight over everyone’s favorite webhead. It’s so much fun! No matter what, though, we always end up licking and sucking each other’s panel perfect pussies and slinging some squirty cunt juice webs of our own!
Mary Jane is such a horny slut, she always starts fucking her fire crotch first. It’s cool, Gwen and I like teasing her and doing our part to make her cum. She’s super ticklish and her pussy gets just as hot pink as her cheeks do when she’s flushed and ready to blow. Her sensational slit slime is definitely the stickiest out of the three of us, but she also has the loudest screaming orgasms I’ve ever heard!
When it’s Gwen’s turn to make her nookie notch wet and nasty, she likes to have me and Mary Jane munch her blonde box at the same time. One of us works over her horny hole while the other sucks and licks her creamy clit. We’ve shared her snatch so many times we both know exactly when to switch up and let the other one take over on our spot. I lap away like the kitty I am and my ginger girlfriend goes at Gwen’s gash like she’s in a pie eating contest. We both end up with our faces webbed over with wonderful snatch sauce, though!
I have to have my Black Cat hole stretched the fuck out! A massive, pitch black fist shaped dildo does great to start out, but it’s not really the size of a hand. I let both of the girls get as many fingers inside of me as they can until one of them eventually stuffs their whole hand inside of my purrrrfect pussy. I don’t get off until both of them join forces inside of my fuck hole and give me a hellacious power fisting! With both of them pumping in me like a piston, I gush and spray everywhere with huge, back-arching, leg shaking orgasms. They know exactly how to subdue the Black Cat!
Web covered webcam time with your friendly neighborhood comic whore threesome is always a sticky, juicy, messy time. Ever try to get old squirt juice out of your carpet or off of the walls? It sticks to everything like fuck fueled pussy webbing! Hopefully ol’ Spidey will swing by next time so we can see if his jizz is as sticky as ours is.