Tag: Mean phone sex

Caught jacking like the loser you are? Don’t worry, I knew.

Caught jackingI’m a bitch by nature, like a mom who just let you get Caught jacking by your little sister. It’s what I’m good at. I like talking down to guys like you, tearing you down and leaving you in a puddle of tears. I’ll step on your face and call you pathetic. I’ll rip you off the floor to yell in your face, and then after slapping you around a few times I’ll order you to take out that cock of yours so I can have my fun. It has nothing to do with you, I’ll use you like I would any other sex toy I was paid to use, like a sponsorship. It’s a job to me, and you’ll get off, but you won’t be happy when you do manage to get through my Domination phone sex enough to spill your load. I can’t be nice, it’s not really in me anymore. It’s not that I hate you, it’s that you’re disappointing and I’m not sure how to express that without telling the truth. You’re a loser, the very fact that you felt the need to call me instead of sleeping with a wife tells me that you’re basically a dickless piece of dung stuck to the bottom of my foot. I’m pointing it out right now, I’m gonna point it out on the phone, and I’m gonna take every moment I can to mock your dumb shit grin. You think I’m playing around, that this is a persona I put on to please you, but no I really do feel that way and I really do want you to be hurt. If you leave my session feeling better about yourself, somewhere along the lines you completely misinterpreted what’s going on. You’re delusional.

Now stop yabbering and pull your dick out, I need something to ride my boredom away and you’re as good as any other rotting vegetable. If you’re not up for it, at least Jack off for me.

Caught Jacking By A Deviant Hottie, Let Me Play Too!


Caught Jacking

“Caught Ya!” I hollered looking down at you as I laughed, you were looking like a deer in the headlights Caught Jacking your cock. Stepping into your office I chuckled to myself. “Shoulda locked the door, don’t ya think?” I asked my eyes scanning the room. I could tell that your heart was racing with each word that escaped my lips. My hand wanders down as I slowly trace my nails across the shaft of your cock. You and I both look up at each other, there’s no way you were expecting company. Placing myself in the seat across from you, I watch as you stop touching yourself. A deviant smile glued to my face as I nod, motioning for you to continue to Jack off for me. Little did you know, you were in for quite the treat. I love sitting here telling naughty fucks how to touch themselves for me. Laughing each time they whimper because I know exactly what they are thinking, and needing. The real question is do you know what you need, or do you need me to tell you? Come let’s experience this together.

Sadistic phone sex with Super Tits!

Sadistic phone sexI was on my way to a Halloween party, and I’d made my costume this year so I was very excited to debut my awesome design and awe everyone – and they should be awed – by my sheer creativity and naughty, flirtatious, rambunctious mind! I was ready to be a display, to draw all the eyes, to tempt husbands and draw weak boys to their knees for the chance that I’d even look in their direction. My Sadistic phone sex tendencies were running rampant and I didn’t give a fuck.

I was debuting my new costume, one I’d been working on for the past month in my free time.

Super Tits. That’s right, Super, Tits. The wonder girl who’d surely wreck all those pansy costumes like sexy nurse and cute doctor. Oh yes, my tits weren’t just out they were the center point of my whole outfit. Plump, thick, masterfully crafted globes that highlight the room the moment I walk in. My nipples are hard as rocks, and holy fuck was I excited to step on someone while declaring myself victor over another evil, me, Super Tits!

Super boobs?
Super slut?

Super Tits! I like it, I like it a lot, too late to second guess myself. I have cocks to rock and a pussy to slip right over the biggest one. Hopefully, my costume will quickly reveal which one that is.

A Nightmare on Cum Street

Sadistic phone sex


Don’t go to sleep.  If you do, the boogeygirl of your worst sadistic phone sex nightmares will get you.  And when she gets you in your sleep, she gets you in real life, too.  Every drop of cum she drains out of you in your nasty nightmares is mirrored in reality.  If you’re lucky, you’ll wake up.  If you’re really lucky, you’ll wake up with your underwear soaked in semen.

You can’t get away from her, she knows everywhere you might think to hide in your sprawling dreamscape.  Everywhere you go, she’ll be there, taunting you and chasing you, wanting all of your jizz and stopping at nothing to get it.  She’ll turn a lovely memory between you and a loved one into a traumatic disaster in a snap, or an adventurous tour through an unknown land into a dreadful trek toward desolate locales in an instant.  She controls your mind, she haunts every dream you have and she will not stop until she gets what she wants… all of your cum.

We haven’t spoken the name of the woman who will suck you bone dry in your dreams around here in a long time.  It seems to conjure her forth and makes everyone in town start to have the nastiest nut busting nocturnal emissions that literally drain the life right of them, so we don’t utter the name Savannah Kruger very often.  We taught the little ones a nursery rhyme that they like to sing about her.  It doesn’t keep her away but we think it makes them a little less scared of her.  Maybe it’ll work for you, too.  Try it out:


One, two, Savannah’s coming for goo

Three, four, better fuck that whore

Five, six, gonna suck your dicks

Seven, eight, gotta make her gape

Nine, ten, cum again and again


Mean phone sex slut Tasha

mean phone sex


I just turned a kinky call into a mean phone sex call because of how tiny and pathetic this guys dick was. I laughed so hard when he sent me a picture of his micro dickie. I started degrading him and telling him what a loser he is. I told him how I was sliding my toy in and out of my wet cunnie, something he could never do. I made sure that he knew he had no chance at fucking a sexy slut like me with that little thing he was calling a dick. He told me that the way I was making fun of him and laughing at his micro dickie was turning him on and making it hard. I laughed even harder and told him to go grab a pair of tweezers and jerk that useless, little thing for me! I even made him listen while I called all of my girlfriends and told them to check out the hilarious pic I sent them of his tiny pee pee! I had them on speaker so that he could hear other hot sluts laughing and making fun of him. Give me a call if you’re a little dick loser that wants a cute, young slut to tease you about your micro dickie!

Mean Phone Sex Is For Pussies

Mean phone sex

What makes me the best phone whore for any cum luster looking for some abusive mean phone sex?  It’s easy, I’m just real as hell with all of you phone pervs who just can’t seem to get enough of my displeasure with your presence.  I tell it like it is, plain and simple.  I’ll be blunt and very direct with you because that’s what your dumb ass needs.  I know you think you’re special, but don’t fool yourself, you’re just like every other simp of a cuck who calls me up.

Yeah, sure, maybe you’re pretty good looking.  You might even have a hot wife or girlfriend at home, how the hell should I know?  You’re here talking to me, though, so that obviously means that you either aren’t really satisfied with how whatever whore you might have in your life handles your hog or that you lack the ability to go out and get a real bitch to bang your cock snot into?  Oh, that’s it, I can tell.  Your face says it all.  Are you going to give me that same old bullshit about it just being easier to pay me to treat you like trash than it is to actually put in the work with some tramp that you can actually touch?  That’s fucking dumb, but whatever.

We can talk about how hard you’d fuck me and stretch me out and slap me around and whatever you want all day long.  Tell me how far inside of me you’ll drill your dick and pump out that fat, juicy load, but at the end of the day, we both know that you’re never, ever going to touch me.  I’ll tell you all the nasty things I would do to you if you were here with me, because I do love dick, there’s no doubt about that, but that’ll never happen.  No interaction between you and I would ever go down in real life without some sort of monetary compensation.  It’s just not in your cards, Bud.  In no reality would I ever let you really touch me.  You just keep jacking your neglected little nugget of a prick while I tell you how pathetic I think it is that you have to call a real dirty girl like me for some nasty phone sex because you’re too scared to take control and be assertive with a woman in real life and you’ll be fine.  You’re still a pussy, but it’s fine.

Sadistic Phone Sex With The Baddest Little Bitch In Phonesex

Sadistic Phone Sex

Sadistic phone sex is my shit. I love taking advantage of a weak ass man, making him mine. I bet you’d do whatever I told you, wouldn’t you? You’re just a pathetic piece of man mean, sitting there reading this shit while you should be on my phone talking to me. I’m gonna quickly show you how I live up to my name “Bad little bitch” can you take it though, this is the question.

Just sit there and keep stroking, you and I both know you’re too fucking scared to actually fucking call me. A pathetic little bitch with no actual spine. Do it, pick up the phone. I bet I’ll have you jerking like a dirty little whore during Sadistic Guided Masturbation Phone Sex. The thought of digging my nails into your balls so hard you squirm and beg me to stop all while edging. That’s what makes my pussy wet. Not some pathetic roleplay, I like action.

I like little bitches who actually do what I say, to the tune of their pathetic little whimpering moans and sighs echoing through the phone line. I bet your heart is racing right now, isn’t it? Just with a simple fucking blog. SO, Do it… call. Let’s see if you can make me cum. I doubt it, but you can try. That’s the fun part.

Jack off for me, cover me in cum!

Jack off for meBathing in the results of an orgy is an intoxicating experience I recommend to every young slut just starting to see her way and do her thing. It’s orgasmic, being coated from head to toe in baby gravy and feeling it move around you while trying to cling on to your skin like a lifeline. Your body heat is the only thing keeping those little spermies alive. You have power over life and death in a very real – albeit extraordinary – sense, and you’re not playing mercy. It all ceases eventually, gets cold and a little crusty, gets showered off, and then you’re on your way to do it all over again with the next batch of college guys or needy callers. A flurry made of the baby horde, just for me, mm! I like to make a show of licking some off my skin while it’s still steamy. I’ll pull my nipples into my mouth right in front of a guy, let him Jack off for me while watching me drink up and give me another helping to rub right into my skin. It’s a white dream, full of clouds and orgasms, and I don’t want to wake up anytime soon if I can help it. Cum on me!

Mean phone sex

Mean phone sex: y\You limp dick bastards you couldn’t get it up even if somebody was sucking it. You sissy little boy get on all four while mommy grabs that cock of yours and drags you around the room like the little bitch you are. I’ll make sure I grab that cock nice and tight and I pull really hard to make sure you know exactly where I want you to go I make the rules I make the decisions you’re my bitch  tonight I tell you to lay on your back as I take my high heel stilettos and step on your balls every sound you make I press a little harder and a little harder ballbusting has a whole new meaning I’d let you go inside of me but I know you couldn’t get hard if your life depended on it you’re a little 2-in dick couldn’t do anything for anybody you’re worthless but that asshole yours I’m going to take this big black dick and I’m going to shove it deep in you Have You Begging like the little mama’s boy you are this mean phone sex I don’t think you can handle.

Mean phone sex

Exposing and Mean Phone Sex Fun for All!

Exposing and Mean Phone Sex fun for all is a great time for me and you, pervert. Letting me in on your dirty little secrets is the perfect thing to do. In fact I think initially you will be humiliating yourself telling me just how filthy and perverse you are.

Here’s the thing with me, I love to humiliate, and tease men. I am a total cunt and yes I have many lovers. Men that can handle me with an even sharper edge. So, you little wits of men ha ha ha… bad term for you huh? Yeah, exactly! You are not part of “men”.

So when I got the opportunity to be spoiled for exposing perverts I am so sheepishly delirious to have guys rain upon me more cash and gc’s to pay their worth in the exposures.

I have guys like John R*****, Ryan F***, and Shanda for a few that had the luxury of me uttering their names. The joy of posting all contact info for one was really quite exciting, but hey money is a true acceptance to the terms, My Terms. Hahaha…. I have a good sexy time with these guys and truly enjoy the variations.

Mean Phone Sex