Tag: school phone sex

Sensual Fantasies About Young Tight Pussy

sensual fantasiesWhat are your sensual fantasies? They can be taboo fantasies too. I love the darker desires men have. Sometimes, for the right price, I make men’s sensual taboo fantasies cum true. I met a guy at the strip club last week. He knew all about me. At first, I was concerned. In the VIP room he was pretty much telling me my life’s story. I thought maybe he was cop so I played it cool. My other concern was maybe he was a stalker. But when he showed me brat porn on his phone, I knew he was not a cop. He told me that he heard I had access to young cunnie and he was willing to pay to just fuck a young little girl once. I warned him that Lolita pussy is addictive and no guy wants it just once. It can bankrupt a guy. Then he showed me his bank account balance, and I knew he could afford even the youngest of my ageplay girls. I vetted him before I agreed to any terms. I do not ever match my little whores up with men like that. I approach men my late husband knew. Once I knew he was not a cop and had never been arrested, I talked business with him. Hell, he never even had a parking ticket. This was a legitimate business man who wanted to spend some of his millions getting some taboo pussy.

He was with one of my step granddaughters last night. He had a huge cock. Greek man like my late husband. I had to help her handle his thick cock, but she is a good little whore. She kept her eyes on the money and milked his cock dry, which in turn milked his wallet dry. He was so impressed with her skills he tipped her $10,000. I let her he keep all of her tip plus gave her some of the money that he paid to fuck her young cunnie. I know it might sound bad to whore out these little charges in my care, but I am setting them up well. They all have investment accounts and CDs in their name, but under my husband and I’s brokerage account so if their druggy mom gets out of prison, she cannot get her hands on their hard earned money.

I am teaching these girls valuable skills. I am providing a stable life for them. I am making them independently rich too. Sex sells. Lolita sex sells the best. I specialize in taboo phone sex fantasies for a reason!