The Princess Wins!

Family phone sex

My Daddy brought home a woman last night! *gag*  She is stupid and I don’t like her at all. She was all over him!  It was super gross!  She kept trying to get on my Daddy’s good side by trying to be friends with me.  I already have friends, I do not need anymore.  Even my boyfriend was saying how nice she wasn’t.  She wasn’t nice!  She just wanted to have my Daddy’s cock inside of her!  I didn’t talk to her much, actually I pretty much ignored her.  Daddy wasn’t happy about that at all.  He kept giving me looks.

After dinner I took her phone out of her purse.  I put it under the cushion of the sofa I was sitting on.  She walked in the living room, looked in her purse, then emptied out her purse, then looked at me and said, “You took it didn’t you?”  I said, “Took what?”  I never took my eyes off of the show I was watching on Netflix.  She came and stood right in front of me, “You took my phone!”  I told her I didn’t take her phone!  She got really mad and left the room. 

I heard her talking to my Daddy, she was telling him I stole her phone.  I heard him push back his chair and I jumped up, put  the phone in the outside zipper part of her purse, then quickly sat back down.  I had just got back to the sofa when Daddy came in.  He said, “Harmony! Put it back, right now young lady!”  I said, “Daddy I do not have her phone!”  He told me I had two seconds to put it back or I would be in big trouble.  I told him again that I didn’t take her stupid phone!

Right then her phone started to ring.  All of us looked at her purse.  She looked back at me and I smiled.  She shouted that I had somehow put it back in, that I really had taken it, that I was a thief.  My Daddy told her that it was a mistake, that she simply put it back in the purse in a different place.  She was getting seriously angry.  Daddy finally told her to leave his house!  I started to giggle. 

He came back in and sighed and plopped down next to me.  He put his arm around me and said, “You are the only Princess I really need anyway.”  I gave my Daddy the best blowjob ever!  Nobody else better try to take my Daddy away from me, because he, his cock, and his bank account are all mine!

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