Mean Phone Sex: You owe me for that good time.

Mean Phone Sex

New years eve brings partying and fun every year. That also means a craving for drugs. The drugs that I provide to all of my customers. Generally, payment is always upfront. However, even I get in a festive mood from time to time and front someone till they get paid. Or in this case Monday. I was assured by him that I would have my money in full Monday after New Year. However, when I showed up at his house I was met outdoors and was given a stupid excuse as to why he did not have my money. His order had included weed, molly, and a ton of coke. However, it appeared he would not be good for it. 

As he apologized to me and begged for more time his daughter looked out the bay window being nosey as to what her father was up to. He quickly urged her away from sight but the damage was already done. I would be getting my pay that day in any way I wanted. I shoved myself past him and opened the door introducing myself to his little princess. She was pretty and small. No clue how old I didn’t give a single fuck either. To get out of paying me this Daddy was going to have to bukkake his little princess and I would watch and laugh the entire time. 

I got my payment and she got Daddy for the first time. Not my problem. Ha. 



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