Mommy Phone Sex Keeps Me Busy On and Off the Phone

mommy phone sexMommy phone sex calls keep me busy when I sign on. Not much different than my home life either. Everyone needs me. And now that summer has arrived, everyone is at home all the time. But I have two extras at home to help me with the little ones. My middle son and middle daughter both attend college and they are home with me until August. Although they both have summer jobs, they plan on being around a lot to help me with their half nieces and nephews.

They do not know their half-sister.  They always knew she existed. However, she never came around when they were little. But they met her in prison, and they visit her more than me. She hates me. Even though I am giving her offspring a better life and stable one, I am the evil stepmom to her. But she will appreciate me one day. I just hope she stays in prison long enough for her sons and daughters to be old enough to live on their own. I’m making sure they each have a little nest egg all their own.

I Will Always Be a Dirty Mommy Whore

Family phone sex comes naturally to me. As a mom of 6 and a step grandma of 6, I love my big family. However, it’s nice to have some help. My two youngest daughters watched the little ones last night so I could have some much need son fun. Me, and all three of my sons had a date night. Even my oldest boy who is married came to surprise me. It’s not even my birthday.

My sons know how stressed I have been and busy. And they pampered me. Dinner and movie. Followed by a walk on the beach as the sun went down. And back home to fuck. My daughters kept the little ones busy watching movies in the family room, while my boys and I fucked upstairs. I am not always a three-hole whore, but when I am it is with all three of my sons.

We fucked for hours. And I must have had like 10 orgasms. Each boy came at least twice inside me. By the time we finished our fuck fest, the little ones were sacked out. And my two youngest daughters decided to clean up my messy holes. This is why I work for a taboo phone sex company. Who else can I share my dirty family exploits with?

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