Teen Phone Sex: An X-Rated Episode

Teen phone sex

I was feeling particularly frisky, my Aching sex a constant reminder of my mounting desire. So, when a mysterious number popped up on my screen, I answered with a grotty “Yeah, who’s this?”

The voice on the other end sounded like a nervous wreck. A pathetic little pest desperate for some action. A smirk stretched across my lips as I realized this call could be my entertainment for the night.

I played along, my voice oozing with siren-like charm. “So, you’re the little bitch who dares disturb me, eh? You wanna play dirty, do you?”

He stumbled over his words, a stuttering mess, which only fueled my fire. “I-I’m yours to command, Mistress. Please, d-do what you want with me…”

“Oh, I intend to.” I growled, licking my lips. “First, I want you to imagine yourself bound, lying helpless as I whip your pathetic body. Does that get your nasty little mind racing?”

A whimper escaped his lips, and I could practically feel his heart pounding. “Y-Yes, Mistress. Please, I need this. Make me your filthy toy!”

“Good boy.” I purred sadistically. “Now, touch yourself. stroke that tiny wee-wee of yours and think of me. Make it hard for Mistress.”

The phone was nearly shaking in his grip, his breath coming in desperate gasps. I could feel the effect I had on him, the power to rend him helpless. It was exhilarating!

“You’re such a desperate little slut. But remember, this phone sex is just the beginning. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll let you worship me in person. Now cum for me, you filthy animal.”

His cries of ecstasy echoed in my ears as I hung up, leaving him a quivering mess. Another satisfied customer.

And there you have it, an X-rated phone call that’d make even the dirtiest mind blush.

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