Nasty phone sex GILF and mutt fucker works at the kennels!

Nasty phone sexNasty phone sex GILF and mutt fucker works at the kennels! There was a time I wouldn’t even confess such filth. But as I get older, I think it is appropriate to share my dirtiest kinks with the world. Especially when I blindly walked into a Kennel thinking they needed a Mutt handler and not a breeder. But Mutt Breeding bitch woman is what they were looking for. Not only that but to sell furry friends smut too!   Little did I know the studs were needing a round, soft woman to nut in with big red rockets between bitches. The K9s were large and mean, I could hear them from the street. And meeting the owner of K9 Stud farm he quickly let me know what he needed and what he would pay me. The cupboards were bare and my addiction had blown through the rent money. 

Nasty phone sex GILF and mutt fucker 

My family depended on me, and it’s not like I hadn’t fucked a mutt for free in the past.  I had no choice. I had to take the risk. I prayed that I wouldn’t regret it. Soon I was led to the back and strapped to a breeding bench.  It was very important that I not damage these million dollar K9 cocks. Strapped down, the biggest Fido is brought in to use my holes since the bitches are needing recovery time.

Jacking off porn mutt style

The video equipment is set up and this mutt type Jacking off porn is being filmed while a mutt handler jerks his cock. I preformed the best I ever have, let me tell you. It was so exotic and hot, I came 8 times! . Of course, I feel his big red rocket knot up and his angry horny growls and breath on my neck. But my pussy gladly accepts that knot. Proud at this moment as I feel that thin cum pouring out of my old ass cunt. I am now working as a breeder mutt bitch and making money off the lewd Videos.

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