Naughty, Nasty, Foxy Phone Sex

Nasty phone sex

Every guy wants to know that the whore they’re having nasty phone sex with is foxy as fuck!  I don’t know about all the other men, but you’re definitely in luck.  I’m hot as hell and always as dirty as I want to be.  Guys can’t get enough of my super tight squirt and dirt holes and I can’t get enough dick to stick in them!  That’s why I like to get all dolled up and strut my foxy butt around all the bars, porn shops and trap houses that I can; I need to find the dirty dick down that a nasty girl deserves.

I can always find a horny booze hound or four at any bar in town that wants to get a piece of my pussy or into a little ass.  It’s usually fine but I do run into the risk of trying to work over a man with whiskey dick and that’s always a let down.  Plenty of contenders, though.  

The porn shop is packed with perverts whose pricks perk up when they see my tail swing behind me as I sashay through the place.  Limp dicks are never a problem with a bunch of pervs in a porn arcade, I’ll have a line of losers waiting to take me from behind while we watch fuck flicks together.  Some of them like to get really weird, though.  I’m not trying to get kidnapped and kept!

Doing my fox-trot into the hood to hit up my favorite trap houses is really where the fun happens.  If you like fucking and drugs and fucking while you’re on drugs and doing drugs then fucking and doing drugs some more, the trap is where you want to go!  I can hang out for a few hours, get a deep dicking from a dealer, throw some of his customers into the mix for variety and walk out with some weed, molly, blow or whatever else I want.  Not to mention a cunt full of cum!

Fine and foxy chicks get all the fucking we want, that’s just how it is.  I don’t have to dress up to entice anyone to cram their cocks into my slamhole, I just like it.  It’s really fun to make a bunch of boys jack off for me and treat me like a bukkake bitch while I’m in a costume, though.  I can do that anywhere, all I have to do is get down on my knees and tell them to go at it!


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