Who Banged Savannah Rabbit?

Domination phone sex

I went to a costume party with my favorite funny little friend, Roger, the other day.  He wanted to bring a girl along with him who would both dote upon and dominate him in front of everyone all night long so he could prove he wasn’t just some clown.  I felt inspired so I dressed up in my slinkiest red sequin dress, threw on some purple eye shadow and perfectly embodied Jessica Rabbit for him to be certain that he made everyone in the place green with envy.

The plan went off without a hitch, we were the hit of the party.  He would crack a joke and smack himself in the face with something and I’d say something like “Oh Roger, don’t be such a ham.” then pull his head deep into my bosom for a slobbery motorboat.  Everyone loved it, we had the whole crew rolling!  It wasn’t long before I started getting hit on by some of the other guys there, and they did it right in front of Roger.

They would overtly flirt with me right in front of him, some of them even laughed at the thought of us being together at all.  I let them get a little handsy, who doesn’t like to see a hot pair of titties being played with?  Roger sure did!  Just when they thought they were going to get a piece of my perfectly drawn pussy, I would turn my attention to my honey bunny and start playing with his tent pole of a prick and let him put his hands wherever he wanted on my body.  He had no restrictions.

Roger’s buddy, Eddie, couldn’t resist getting a handful of my bombshell body and I let him cop a feel like I had with all of the other cartoonishly cum craving party pervs.  When he slid his hand up my dress to get a feel of my muff, I turned to my date like I had with everyone else.  “P-p-p-please, Savannah!  Let Eddie get a piece of your pie!”  I can never say no to my honey bunny so I let Eddie manhandle me a bit.  That made everyone else really jealous but all they could do is stand around and play pocket pool while they watched Eddie finger fuck me inches away from Roger’s awe struck face.  He would sniff deep, making his eyes roll back in his head, while his friend finger blasted me so hard that I gushed and dripped all over the place.

Roger got so turned on that he just couldn’t take it anymore.  He shoved Eddie aside and hopped on top of me really quickly.  Bunny Boy didn’t even bother pulling my panties down, he just tore them off, jammed his junk inside of me and started fucking me fast and furiously.  It felt great but he didn’t have the stamina to keep it up and blew off like a rocket inside of me in less than a minute.  It was cool, Eddie still wanted to run his cock deep inside of me and so did a few of the other guys who thought all I was going to let them do was jack off for me.  It was a great night, definitely one of my favorite costume parties of all time!



    • Adam on October 21, 2022 at 1:30 pm
    • Reply

    Youre so hot!

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