You might look at me and think that I am not capable of the dirty phone talk you’re looking for. I look so innocent that you might just assume that I’m not very experienced. Well, guess what, fucker? I’m just as nasty as they come and I’ve been fucking for a LONG time. And I’ve been doing things that would make even you blush! If you don’t believe me, then you’re just in for a rude awakening. It’s a good thing, though. When you call me, you’ll hear my nasty mouth say things that would make the church ladies in my town start praying for me.
Maybe we can play a little game when you call me. We could ask each other questions about our sexual history. Like, I might want to know what the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done is. And you might want to hear about a fantasy of mine that I haven’t gotten to do yet. Trust me, there are some really dirty ones swimming around in my head. If you’re curious about them, I’m more than willing to divulge all my kinkiest adventures with you! I can’t wait to tell you just how much of a cum whore I truly am.